while on vacation my yougest son and I were hiking and looking for an old cemetary. It had been several years since I had been there and a large developement had been built around it. Being directionally challanged it took a while, but we found it. At the end of a dirt road was the cemetatry, a dead end. We walked around looking at the names, sayings, and dates the people died. Being an older mountain cemetary, there were headstones that were just flat rocks with nothing on them. Some of them were nice engraved monuments.

As we sat down on a bench. I started thinking about the lives they may have had. How did they die. Who did they leave behind? Then I thought about what they left behind. Not the stuff, but their legacy, what they did with their life, and how people remember them.
Look at the following people of the Bible and their legacy. They were not perfect, but look at what God accomplished through them:
- Moses
- David
- Ruth
- Elijah
- Paul
- Peter
- Of course Jesus who we should all try to immitate.
What about you? What kind of legacy are you going to leave behind? Will people remember you as a man or woman of God. Will they remember you for all of your negative qualities?
What is your legacy?
Ah Steve, you hit on something that has been a constant thought of mine for several years now. Nichole Nordeman has a song about that as well. The legacy I want to leave behind is not one that people will remember b/c of something "I" did, but be remembered for the things that God did through me. So many days, whether I mess up or do right, I am thinking, did I just screw up part of my legacy or did I positively add to it. I could go on....great thought!